Featured Images

New Evidence For Young Lunar Volcanism!
One of many newly-discovered young volcanic deposits on the Moon (4.330°N, 33.750°E), this example is near the crater Maskelyne. The direction of sunlight is from the right and north is up, NAC M1123370138R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State...
Published on 12 Oct 2014

Tadpole and Lava Tube
An irregularly shaped depression, resembling a tadpole (center left), which is part of a sinuous chain of pits. The black arrow indicates the beginning of the pit chain that trends to the southeast. This feature is about 8 km long and...
Published on 29 Aug 2014

Striped Crater
Dark mantle deposits decorate a crater wall. Slowly pulled downhill by gravity, the volcanic glasses that compose these stripes where formed during explosive volcanic eruptions on the Moon. The scene is 952m wide from NAC image...
Published on 25 Aug 2014

A Tortuous Path in Posidonius
This may look like a work of abstract art, but in reality, it's for science! This colorful image is an LROC slope map of the northwestern portion of the floor of Posidonius crater. Warmer colors indicate steeper slopes, whereas cooler...
Published on 31 Jul 2014

Birt E
Birt E crater is thought to be the source region for lava that carved out Rima Birt, a rille in Mare Nubium. This mare is older than 3.4 billion years, and so is this vent! LROC NAC M1144849711LR with the a color DTM overlaid; North is...
Published on 15 Jul 2014

A Rille to Rover Over
LROC NAC image M1145219838 of a rille found on the Southwestern edge of Oceanus Procellarum. This rille most likely formed from the stress added to the crust as the mare deposits were emplaced and cooled [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State...
Published on 08 Jul 2014

Rough Around the Edges
With peppered flanks, Rima Suess wanders over 150 km through Oceanus Procellarum. The rocks that rest on the walls of this lunar rille are perhaps remnants of much larger boulders that have eroded down to meter sized rocks due to micro...
Published on 05 Jun 2014

Punching through Abel C
A bench crater in the pyroclastic deposit mantling the floor of Abel C. The impactor appears to have punched through multiple layers, giving it an irregular, stepped appearance. The crater is approximately 100 m in diameter. Taken from...
Published on 22 May 2014

A Kink in Rima Krieger
Rima Krieger winds its way through Oceanus Procellarum. Image width is ~ 3.5 km. Taken from LROC NAC image M1152172510R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 20 May 2014

The Complex Case at Lassell K
An early morning view looking east-to-west from an altitude of 86 km across the southern portion of the Lassell Massif, an irregularly shaped series of hills and steep-walled depressions. North is to the right; oblique LROC NAC mosaic...
Published on 15 May 2014

Sometimes You Just Need to Vent
Low reflectance material cascaded down the wall of what is likely a volcanic vent in the southwestern portion of the Orientale basin. Image width is approximately 750 m. LROC NAC image M1150135366 [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 15 Apr 2014

One in a Million Mounds
Boulders, most 10 to 20 meters across, pepper the flanks of a cratered mound in the floor of Copernicus crater. The scene is illuminated from the east (right); LROC NAC M1339037292R; image width ~1.1 km [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 10 Apr 2014

Modified Craters of Moscoviense
Morning light beams over the walls and peaks of an irregularly shaped crater in Mare Moscoviense. This unnamed crater is approximately 17 km in diameter; portion of controlled NAC Mosaic MOSCOVNSLOA, downsampled for web browsing...
Published on 11 Mar 2014

Overprinting Orientale
Fractured crater draped with ejecta from the Orientale basin, located south of Buffon crater. Portion of NAC oblique image M1128039712; looking west to east; downslope to the right [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 13 Feb 2014

Diversity of Basaltic Lunar Volcanism
A diverse range of volcanic morphologies: a sinuous rille, blocky lava flows, and pyroclastic cones found in a portion of the controlled LROC NAC mosaic "NAC_ROI_MARIUS_ _LOC_E138N3037" centered on 303.861°E, 13.476°N; image is...
Published on 05 Nov 2013

Partially Flooded Rim
Partially filled crater (1.8 km diameter) located in the Rimae Prinz region, centered at 26.941°N, 316.871°E, LROC NAC M1096772216 [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 15 Aug 2013

Orientale Sculpture
An oblique view of ejecta from the Orientale basin, over 400 km south of the basin rim. Scene is approximately 5 km across, centered at 51.8°S, 264.8°E, NAC images M1127819355L & R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 30 Jul 2013

The Fourth Mairan Dome
A volcanic dome in northeastern Oceanus Procellarum. LROC NAC M1119207667R, image is ~3.1 km across [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 17 Apr 2013

Volcanic Vent
This unassuming textured surface surrounding a smooth tongue of material is likely a volcanic vent. LROC NAC M181495512L, image width is 1500 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 01 Apr 2013

Not Your Average Crater
An asymmetric impact crater (14.349°S, 350.977°E) on the Lassell Massif revealing low reflectance material. NAC frame M152939732L, illumination is from the northwest, north is up, image is ~820 m wide [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].
Published on 12 Mar 2013