LROC PDS Data Volume 6 Re-Release

The 6th LROC Planetary Data System release includes NAC and WAC images acquired from 2010-12-16 through 2011-03-15. This release contains 66,518 EDR images - totaling 8.6 TBytes, and 66,501 CDR images - totaling 17.9 TBytes.

The updated images are to ensure the target body labels are correct. The new images were previously not cataloged in the database due to a technical error.

This version adds 3 EDRs:

M153636819RE M153636536RE M153636704RE

This version changes 7 EDRs:

E148838545CE E148838618CE E148838691CE E148838569CE E148838592CE E148838667CE E148838643CE

This version adds 3 CDRs:

M153636819RC M153636536RC M153636704RC

This version changes 7 CDRs:

E148838545CC E148838691CC E148838618CC E148838592CC E148838667CC E148838569CC E148838643CC

Published by Nick Estes on 6 September 2018