PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2018-09-10 NOTE = "This file describes known errors or deficiencies in this archive volume set." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Users are encouraged to provide comments back to the LROC Data Node of the PDS if errors or omissions are found either in data or in documentation. Please send comments by e-mail or U.S. mail to the LROC Data Node PDS Operator: LROC PDS Data Node Arizona State University School for Earth and Space Exploration 1100 S. Cady Mall Box 873603 Tempe, AZ 85287-3603 Electronic mail address: lroc-dn@ser.asu.edu Volume release chronology: Logical Volume Version Release Date ------------- ------- ------------------------------------------- LROLRC_1008 0001 December 15, 2011 LROLRC_1008 0002 February 02, 2013 LROLRC_1008 0003 December 18, 2013 LROLRC_1008 0004 September 10, 2018 Cumulative errata for the LROLRC_0011 volume set: Logical Volume Version Error/Variance Description ------------- ------- ------------------------------------------- LROLRC_1008 0001 This volume contains 83,010 CDR products, the majority of observations collected on the dates 2011-06-16 to 2011-09-15. There are no LROC observations for 2011-06-16 due to LROC being disabled to diagnose an operational issue which began on 2011-06-14. LROLRC_1008 0002 Modifications where made to the INDEX/CUMINDEX label files, and the INDEX/CUMINDEX tab files were regenerated to reflect those changes. Changes included increasing field lengths for several keywords, correcting starting byte counts and other typographics corrections. LROLRC_1008 0003 The 83,063 products in this volume were reprocessed to correct issues with the PDS label and use updated calibration files, which is reflected in the PRODUCT_VERSION = 1.9. The VOLUME_ID has been changed from LROLRC_0008 to LROLRC_1008. LROLRC_1008 0004 This version adds 1 CDR that was originally corrupt and then fixed at the ground station: M169474468CC This version changes 141 CDRs to ensure the target body labels are correct: C164637230LC C164636913LC C164637000LC C164637117LC C164637032LC C164637308LC C164636969LC C164637254LC E164724945LC E164724957LC E164724970RC E164724996LC E164724983RC E164725009RC E164724983LC E164724957RC E164724996RC E164724970LC C164637183LC C164637144LC C164637068LC E164724920RC C164637387LC E164816698LC E164636511LC E164724932RC E164724932LC E164724897RC E164724884RC E164724945RC E164724908RC E167143378RC E167143767RC E167143353LC E167143389RC E167143340LC E167143365LC E167143340RC E167143365RC E167143353RC E167143582RC E167143545LC E167143533RC E167143557LC E167143378LC E167143743RC E167143545RC E167143557RC E167143755RC E167143582LC E167143570RC E167143389LC E167143533LC E167143570LC E167143780RC E167143780LC E167143767LC E167143792RC E167143743LC E167143792LC E167143755LC E167144034LC E167144162RC E167144162LC E167144034RC E167319992CC E167319929CC E167320179CC E167319581RC E167319618RC E167319606RC E167319581LC E167320126LC E167319777RC E167319951LC E167319801LC E167319801RC E167319948CC E167320136CC E167319968CC E167320156CC E167320117CC E167319569LC E167319593RC E167319593LC E167319569RC E167319765LC E167319752RC E167319606LC E167319765RC E167319790LC E167320175RC E167319951RC E167319618LC E167319777LC E167319752LC E167319790RC E167319963LC E167319939LC E167320139LC E167319939RC E167319988RC E167319976LC E167319976RC E167319988LC E167320175LC E167319963RC E167320151LC E167320608LC E167320163LC E167320151RC E167320163RC E167320139RC E167320126RC E167320487RC E167320487LC E167231954CC E167231934CC E167231977CC E167231852RC E167231949LC E167231840RC E167231840LC E167231827RC E167231803LC E167231815LC E167231815RC E167231827LC E167231803RC E167231924LC E167231852LC E167231949RC E167231936LC E167231961LC E167231924RC E167231936RC E167231973RC E167231973LC E167231961RC E167232265LC E167232265RC