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Swirls posts 17
Reiner Gamma: Swirling in Mystery

Reiner Gamma: Swirling in Mystery

Reiner Gamma lunar swirl (7.5° N, 301.0°E);  NAC controlled mosaic containing images, M1139307518L/R, M1139300406L/R, M1139286182L/R, M1139293294L/R, and M1108661104R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 26 May 2022

Feature Mosaics: Behind the Seams

Feature Mosaics: Behind the Seams

A seamless mosaic of a portion of Karpinsky crater (91 km diameter, 72.61° N, 166.80°E) seamless mosaic. Scene is 55 km across, NAC images M1309496597L/R, M1309503618L/R, M1309510644L/R, M1309517669L/R, and M1309524696L/R...

Published on 16 Mar 2020

Deflector Shields Up!

Deflector Shields Up!

Part of the westernmost swirl feature in Mare Marginis. This closeup of the center of the anaglyph strip below highlights an area little more than five kilometers wide. Bright swirl areas appeared "painted on" the landscape. Part of NAC...

Published on 06 Sep 2018

'Shaping' Lunar Science with Vector Data

'Shaping' Lunar Science with Vector Data

Twenty new shapefiles created by the LROC Team are now available! A few of the shapefiles shown here include mare age units, footprints of digital terrain models (DTMs), and the locations of small geologic features such as...

Published on 18 Jul 2017

Swirls Across the Moon

Swirls Across the Moon

The swirls of Reiner Gamma, shown in enhanced color (415 nm, 321/415 nm, 321/360 nm in red, green, and blue, respectively) from the LROC Wide Angle Camera, overlaid on a monochrome mosaic. Scence is 108 km across and centered at 6.6° N,...

Published on 03 May 2016

LROC NAC Anaglyph: Mare Ingenii Swirls

LROC NAC Anaglyph: Mare Ingenii Swirls

Mare Ingenii Swirls - note the lack of topography associated with these enigmatic deposits! [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 09 Jan 2015

That's a Relief

That's a Relief

A color coded shaded relief map of a symmetrical mountain located in Mare Ingenii and centered at 35.969°S, 164.497°E. This peak is approximately 2.5 km in diameter and 230 meters tall. The colors represent elevation; high elevations...

Published on 01 Oct 2013

Looking East Over Reiner Gamma

Looking East Over Reiner Gamma

LROC NAC oblique image looking west to east over the Reiner Gamma Formation (7.409°N, 300.972°E, north is to the left). Image is ~22 km wide (M1127569280). Arrows highlight a scarp formed by thrust faulting [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State...

Published on 19 Sep 2013

Wrinkled Reiner Gamma

Wrinkled Reiner Gamma

LROC NAC color shaded relief (centered at 301.240°E, 7.416°N) showing part of a wrinkle ridge crosscutting the Reiner Gamma formation. Color represents elevation; derived from NAC DTM "REINER4" [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 17 Sep 2013

Snapshots From Space

Snapshots From Space

Astronaut Cernan (UR, LR), Evans (UL, LR) and Schmitt (LL) relaxing in the Apollo 17 Command Module America after Cernan and Schmitt returned from three days of exploring the magnificent Taurus Littrow valley [NASA/ Arizona State...

Published on 25 Jul 2013

Giordano Bruno Whorl

Giordano Bruno Whorl

Impact melt forms a swirled feature in Giordano Bruno crater. Image width is 1 km, LROC NAC M143947267L [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 07 Jun 2013

The Swirls of Mare Ingenii

The Swirls of Mare Ingenii

An oblique view of Mare Ingenii and the swirl that marks its floor. Scene is approximately 15 km across (subsampled from the native resolution); NAC images M191830503L,R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

Published on 21 Jun 2012

Reiner Gamma Constellation Region of Interest

Reiner Gamma Constellation Region of Interest

The heart of the Constellation region of interest in the Reiner Gamma swirl. Astronauts exploring this region will address longstanding questions about the origins of this distinctive natural feature. Image width is 510 m...

Published on 29 Jun 2010

Depths of Mare Ingenii

Depths of Mare Ingenii

Impact craters are visible everywhere on the Moon, but pits are rare. This pit in Mare Ingenii (located at 35.95°S, 166.06°E) is about 130 m in diameter! Image width is 550 m, illumination is from the upper right, NAC M128202846LE...

Published on 16 Jun 2010

Lunar Swirls at the Mare Ingenii Constellation Region of Interest

Lunar Swirls at the Mare Ingenii Constellation Region of Interest

Close-up image of the Mare Ingenii Constellation region of interest. Mare Ingenii is one of the few mare basalt deposits on the farside of the Moon and it contains rare lunar swirls. Image width is 800 meters [LROC-NAC M105795162R;...

Published on 25 May 2010

Van de Graaff Constellation Crater wall Region of Interest

Van de Graaff Constellation Crater wall Region of Interest

Wall of crater Van de Graaff C, where brighter material is exposed by more active processes associated with steeper slopes, recent small craters, and even individual rolling boulders. NAC image 112822306, image width 0.68 km...

Published on 11 Feb 2010

Aitken Crater Constellation Program Region of Interest

Aitken Crater Constellation Program Region of Interest

A lobate scarp in the mare basalts of Aitken crater on the lunar farside (arrows). Aitken crater is one of the fifty regions of interest in NASA’s Constellation Program. The smooth mare basalts that flooded the floor of Aitken crater...

Published on 12 Jan 2010