Impact melt at Necho crater

Impact melt that flowed from the rim shortly after the formation of Necho crater. NAC image M134374642R, scene is 620 m across [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].

This region of impact melt was highlighted in a past featured image, but just a few weeks ago it was imaged again with the LROC NAC, revealing impact melt flows that extend further to the east than previously seen.


A wider view of the broad flows of impact melt at Necho. NAC mosaic of images M134374642L and R [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].


Explore Necho's impact melt flows in the full resolution LROC NAC image!

Related posts: Necho Crater
Necho's terraces

Published by Brett Denevi on 1 September 2010