Eratosthenes Central Peak

Sunrise image of the Eratosthenes central peak summit. LROC NAC image M131725388L; width is 600 m [NASA/GFSC/Arizona State University].

Central peaks occur in complex craters as a result of the ground rebounding against the initial impact. They can even help cause the formation of terraces. The boulders in the image are either being weathered out of the central peak, or are ejecta from nearby craters such as Copernicus crater.

LROC NAC view of another portion of Eratosthenes central peak, complete with boulder tracks. Downslope is to the right. LROC NAC image M131725388L, image width is 600 m [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University].


Discover the transition from the central peak to the crater rim of Eratosthenes in the full NAC image!

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Published by Drew Enns on 8 October 2010