Pits Atlas: Sinus Iridum Pit

Mare pit: Sinus Iridum
Name Sinus Iridum Pit
Lat. 45.623
Long. 331.189
Desc. Elliptical pit, SE side is a slope from rim to floor. Funnel is ~10m deep. May be in a very subtle ESE-WNW trending depression, ~1.3 km long (not clear if this in a degraded catena, some other type of depression, or an illusion). No other notable nearby features.
Terrain Mare
Host Feature Sinus Iridum
Funnel Min. Diam. 125
Funnel Max. Diam. 145
Inner Min. Diam. 32
Inner Max. Diam. 66
Azimuth 120
Depth 16.0
Depth 1 15.2
Depth 2 21.4
Depth 3 12.4
Best Stereo Left M1223843860R
Best Stereo Right M1223843860R
Clipping Width 200
Other IMGs
Data Warning Depth 3 is measured very obliquely relative to shadow edge
Entrance Ramp Y
Overhang ?
Nearby Pits? N
Nearby Fractures? N
Nearby Depressions? Y?
In Dome N
Beside Dome N
In Depression Y?
Colinear Pits N
Colinear Depressions N
Colinear Fractures N
Sinus Iridum Pit Shaded Relief
Sinus Iridum Pit Shaded Relief
Line 16762
Sample 4820
Inc. Angle 46.22
Emission Angle -0.38
Time 11.12
Resolution 1.54
Inc. Angle -47.87
Emission Angle 1.57
Time 12.75
Resolution 1.36
Inc. Angle 51.02
Emission Angle 0.89
Time 10.33
Resolution 1.11
Sinus Iridum Pit Stereo