Pits Atlas: Copernicus 20

Impact Melt pit: Copernicus
Name Copernicus 20
Lat. 10.3522
Long. 339.7351
Desc. Long pit at the SW end of a linear depression/collapse that runs parallel to the base of a PRF. Consists of two parts: A rectangular section in the SW (~40x25m), and a narrow crevice running from the N corner NE along the N edge of the linear depression (~53x7m). There is a large (~18m) block at the NE end of the floor of the rectangular section that appears to have broken off of the SE wall intact. There is a shallower linear depression running parallel ~75m NW.
Terrain Impact Melt
Host Feature Copernicus
Funnel Min. Diam. 48
Funnel Max. Diam. NA
Inner Min. Diam. 31
Inner Max. Diam. 95
Azimuth 50
Depth 14.0
Depth 1 14.9
Depth 2 13.2
Depth 3 13.0
Best Stereo Left M1106059896R
Best Stereo Right M1106059896R
Clipping Width 200
Other IMGs
Data Warning See description for dimension details. Depths are to rectangular section near large block; narrow crevice may be deeper.
Entrance Ramp N
Overhang ?
Nearby Pits? N
Nearby Fractures? N
Nearby Depressions? Y
In Dome N
Beside Dome Y
In Depression Y
Colinear Pits N
Colinear Depressions N
Colinear Fractures N
Copernicus 20 Shaded Relief
Copernicus 20 Shaded Relief
Line 51051
Sample 4523
Inc. Angle 20.86
Emission Angle -0.57
Time 10.84
Resolution 0.47
Inc. Angle 40.09
Emission Angle 1.44
Time 9.41
Resolution 1.15
Inc. Angle -42.32
Emission Angle 0.94
Time 14.72
Resolution 0.96
Copernicus 20 Stereo