The LROC website's downloads and exhibits sections have been recently updated with improved scalability as future team products and exhibits are added and released.

The downloads section has been updated to include several categories; 3D-printable files like the above Larmor Q 3D printable puzzle, our previously available popular ISIS Cube files, Lunar Feature posters often handed out by the LROC team at public events or as giveaways inside our Lunar Exploration gallery, product support files, and detailed lunar map sheets – like the one below.

In addition to the downloads section, there is an updated exhibits section that shows off LROC's past, present, and future exhibits throughout the country. This section replaces the previous standalone exhibit section. There are currently two exhibits at the time of writing; A New Moon Rises, previously at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in D.C., and Barnstorming the Moon previously at the monOrchid in downtown Phoenix. More exhibits, past and future, will be included as they become available. Each exhibit section contains a gallery of LROC Zoomify images on display at the selected exhibit, descriptions, download links, and additional image details.

Enjoy the new additions to the website and the amazing work by the LROC team!
Published by Rick Hoppe on 16 August 2019