LROC 52C PDS Data Release

The 52C LROC Planetary Data System release includes NAC and WAC images acquired from 2022-08-16 through 2022-09-15. This release contains 20,289 EDR images - totaling 2.7 TBytes, and 20,289 CDR images - totaling 5.5 TBytes.

This release includes 2 new NAC DTMs, 12 new NAC ROIs, 2 updated NAC DTMs, 10 updated shapefiles, 2 updated NAC ROIs, and 2 updated NAC polar products. For details, see the ERRATA.TXT.

To date, the LROC Team has delivered 3,361,522 EDRs (totaling 499.5 TBytes), 3,358,938 CDRs (totaling 923.5 TBytes), and 43,735 derived (RDR) data products (totaling 18.8 TBytes) to the NASA Planetary Data System. The current RDR collection is comprised of: NAC DTMs, NAC ROI Mosaics, NAC North/South Polar Mosaics, WAC Global Morphology mosaic, WAC Monthly Global mosaics; WAC DTM, WAC Color Shade, WAC Empirically Normalized Nearly Global mosaic, WAC 7-band color mosaics (regional area), and WAC ROI mosaics. The RDR dataset also includes the following products in the EXTRAS directory: NAC Anaglyphs, Mare and Lobate Scarp Shapefiles. The LROC Team has also released a PDF formated NAC Stereo Catalog that contains all NAC pair and triplet observations that can be used for generating Digital Terrain Models. The complete LROC PDS archive can be accessed via the URL:

One can also search for specific images or mosaic products using the LROC WMS Browse interface. Also, please be sure and try out our Quickmap interface!

Published by Nick Estes on 13 December 2022