Apollo 17 Landing Site
The last Lunar Module (Apollo 17) landed in the Taurus Littrow Valley in December of 1972. A key science goal was to collect impact melt rocks to date the Serenitatis basin. Astronauts Jack Schmitt and Gene Cernan sampled rocks from South (Lower Left) and North Massifs (Top) and the Sculptured Hills (Upper Right), during three extra-vehicular activities lasting a total of 22 hours. Before the samples were returned, most geologists believed this basin to be relatively old. The samples were interpreted to imply that the Serenitatis basin was much younger than previously thought; nearly the same age as the mighty Imbrium basin. However, since then, the LROC images indicate that the Serenitatis basin may indeed be relatively ancient and the Sculptured Hills are Imbrium ejecta. The engineering and science results from Apollo 17 were an amazing capstone to the Apollo program, raising as many questions as were answered.
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Traverse the Apollo 17 Landing Site
- Latitude: 20.1911°
- Longitude: 30.7723°
- Camera: NAC
- Image Width: 15.0 km
- Image(s): M142061915LR, M142068699LR
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